- Air pollution (introduction): What is air pollution and what causes it?
- Biofuels: Can we grow our own fuels for transportation? What are the drawbacks of doing so?
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS): Can we really make our old power plants more eco-friendly?
- Carbon offsets: Is it good to "buy" your way out of harming the planet?
- Composting toilets: How can you dispose of sewage without causing water pollution?
- Earthquakes: What causes earthquakes and why are big ones so much bigger than little ones?
- Eco-labelling: If a product claims it's eco-friendly, how can you be sure it's telling the truth?
- Electrostatic smoke precipitators: How can we scrub soot from smokestacks (chimneys)?
- Energy monitors: Which of your appliances cost most money to run?
- Environmentalism: What is environmentalism and what does it involve?
- Fair trade: Why should we care where our products come from?
- Fracking: A great way to increase our supplies of oil and gas or a major new cause of pollution?
- Geoengineering: Can we "engineer" Earth to repair the damage we're doing to its climate?
- Global warming and climate change: Is climate change really happening? What will it mean for the future?
- Greywater: How can you save water at home by storing water you've used already?
- Hydroponics: Can you really grow plants without soil? Why would you want to?
- Land pollution: How are we polluting the Earth beneath our feet?
- Organic food and farming: Are there really benefits of growing food without pesticides and chemicals?
- Passive solar energy: Is sunlight alone enough to keep your house warm?
- Plasma arc recycling: Could we get rid of trash by melting and vaporizing it?
- Renewable energy: How can we make energy in a way that doesn't use up Earth's scarce resources?
- Rivers: Where do rivers come from and why do they change as they flow to the ocean?
- Recycling: How can we reduce our impact on the planet by trashing less and reusing more?
- Water pollution: What causes water pollution and how can we stop it?
You'll find more articles on renewable energy in our list of energy articles.